Friday, April 8, 2022

React- UI Architect Interview Questions

  1.  Difference between for each and map
  2. Pair check with String or array like 
    input = Hello and output should be {H:1, e:1, l:2, o:1}
    OR [10, 40, 20, 40, 30, 20, 40, 10] output in pair count 
  3. React performance 
  4. Prev props in function component 
  5. Render Props in react 
  6. Solid Principle 
    Angular Architect Interview 
  1. How TO create Dynamic form in Angular 
  2. Micro frontEnd in Angular 
  3. Project estimation scenario Like if you have requirements under discussion and you need to give some timeline ,
  4. Project proposals 
  5. What All NFRS you should have for FE
  1. Cloud Knowledge 
  2. button onclick with 2 setState () alert and again 2 setstate 