Lifecycle Hooks
- ngOnChanges()
- Used in pretty much any component that has an input.
- Called whenever an input value changes
- Is called the first time before ngOnInit
- ngOnInit()
- Used to initialize data in a component.
- Called after input values are set when a component is initialized.
- Added to every component by default by the Angular CLI.
- Called only once
- ngDoCheck()
- Called during all change detection runs
- A run through the view by Angular to update/detect changes
- ngAfterContentInit()
- Called only once after first ngDoCheck()
- Called after the first run through of initializing content
- ngAfterContentChecked()
- Called after every ngDoCheck()
- Waits till after ngAfterContentInit() on first run through
- ngAfterViewInit()
- Called after Angular initializes component and child component content.
- Called only once after view is initialized
- ngAfterViewChecked()
- Called after all the content is initialized and checked. (Component and child components).
- First call is after ngAfterViewInit()
- Called after every ngAfterContentChecked() call is completed
- ngOnDestroy()
Used to clean up any necessary code when a component is removed from the DOM.
- Fairly often used to unsubscribe from things like services.
- Called only once just before component is removed from the DOM.