Thursday, November 30, 2023

Pair check in Javascript


const arr = [1, 5, 2, 1, 6, 2, 2, 9];
const countPairs = (arr = []) => {
   const { length } = arr;
   let count = 0;
   // making a shallow copy so that the original array remains unaltered
   const copy = arr.slice();
   copy.sort((a, b) => a - b);
   for(let i = 0; i < length; i++){
      if(copy[i] === copy[i + 1]){
   return count;

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

JavaScript Array cheat Sheet


JavaScript Array

concat()Joins arrays and returns an array with the joined arrays 
constructorReturns the function that created the Array object's prototype
copyWithin()Copies array elements within the array, to and from specified positions
entries()Returns a key/value pair Array Iteration Object 
every()Checks if every element in an array pass a test array.every(function(currentValue, index, arr), thisValue)
fill()Fill the elements in an array with a static value array.fill(value, start, end)
filter()Creates a new array with every element in an array that pass a test array.filter(function(currentValue, index, arr), thisValue)
find()Returns the value of the first element in an array that pass a test array.find(function(currentValue, index, arr),thisValue)
findIndex()Returns the index of the first element in an array that pass a test array.findIndex(function(currentValue, index, arr), thisValue)
forEach()Calls a function for each array element
from()Creates an array from an object
includes()Check if an array contains the specified element
indexOf()Search the array for an element and returns its position
isArray()Checks whether an object is an array
join()Joins all elements of an array into a string
keys()Returns a Array Iteration Object, containing the keys of the original array
lastIndexOf()Search the array for an element, starting at the end, and returns its position
lengthSets or returns the number of elements in an array
map()Creates a new array with the result of calling a function for each array element
pop()Removes the last element of an array, and returns that element
prototypeAllows you to add properties and methods to an Array object
push()Adds new elements to the end of an array, and returns the new length
reduce()Reduce the values of an array to a single value (going left-to-right)
reduceRight()Reduce the values of an array to a single value (going right-to-left)
reverse()Reverses the order of the elements in an array
shift()Removes the first element of an array, and returns that element
slice()Selects a part of an array, and returns the new array
some()Checks if any of the elements in an array pass a test
sort()Sorts the elements of an array
splice()Adds/Removes elements from an array
toString()Converts an array to a string, and returns the result
unshift()Adds new elements to the beginning of an array, and returns the new length
valueOf()Returns the primitive value of an array

Friday, April 8, 2022

React- UI Architect Interview Questions

  1.  Difference between for each and map
  2. Pair check with String or array like 
    input = Hello and output should be {H:1, e:1, l:2, o:1}
    OR [10, 40, 20, 40, 30, 20, 40, 10] output in pair count 
  3. React performance 
  4. Prev props in function component 
  5. Render Props in react 
  6. Solid Principle 
    Angular Architect Interview 
  1. How TO create Dynamic form in Angular 
  2. Micro frontEnd in Angular 
  3. Project estimation scenario Like if you have requirements under discussion and you need to give some timeline ,
  4. Project proposals 
  5. What All NFRS you should have for FE
  1. Cloud Knowledge 
  2. button onclick with 2 setState () alert and again 2 setstate 

Monday, July 19, 2021

What are Jobs in ES6

A new concept called the “Job Queue” was introduced in ES6. It’s a layer on top of the Event Loop queue. You are most likely to bump into it when dealing with the asynchronous behavior of Promises (we’ll talk about them too).

We’ll just touch on the concept now so that when we discuss async behavior with Promises, later on, you understand how those actions are being scheduled and processed.

Imagine it like this: the Job Queue is a queue that’s attached to the end of every tick in the Event Loop queue. Certain async actions that may occur during a tick of the event loop will not cause a whole new event to be added to the event loop queue, but will instead add an item (aka Job) to the end of the current tick’s Job queue.

This means that you can add another functionality to be executed later, and you can rest assured that it will be executed right after, before anything else.

A Job can also cause more Jobs to be added to the end of the same queue. In theory, it’s possible for a Job “loop” (a Job that keeps adding other Jobs, etc.) to spin indefinitely, thus starving the program of the necessary resources needed to move on to the next event loop tick. Conceptually, this would be similar to just expressing a long-running or infinite loop (like while (true) ..) in your code.

Jobs are kind of like the setTimeout(callback, 0) “hack” but implemented in such a way that they introduce a much more well-defined and guaranteed ordering: later, but as soon as possible.


As you already know, callbacks are by far the most common way to express and manage asynchronicity in JavaScript programs. Indeed, the callback is the most fundamental async pattern in the JavaScript language. Countless JS programs, even very sophisticated and complex ones, have been written on top of no other async foundation than the callback.

Except that callbacks don’t come with no shortcomings. Many developers are trying to find better async patterns. It’s impossible, however, to effectively use any abstraction if you don’t understand what’s actually under the hood.

In the following chapter, we’ll explore couple of these abstractions in-depth to show why more sophisticated async patterns (that will be discussed in subsequent posts) are necessary and even recommended.

Nested Callbacks

We’ve got a chain of three functions nested together, each one representing a step in an asynchronous series.

This kind of code is often called a “callback hell”. But the “callback hell” actually has almost nothing to do with the nesting/indentation. It’s a much deeper problem than that.

First, we’re waiting for the “click” event, then we’re waiting for the timer to fire, then we’re waiting for the Ajax response to come back, at which point it might get all repeated again.

At first glance, this code may seem to map its asynchrony naturally

So, such a sequential way of expressing your async code seems a lot more natural, doesn’t it? There must be such a way, right?


It’s all very straightforward: it sums the values of x and y and prints it to the console. What if, however, the value of x or was missing and was still to be determined? Say, we need to retrieve the values of both x and y from the server, before they can be used in the expression. Let’s imagine that we have a function loadX and loadY that respectively load the values of x and y from the server. Then, imagine that we have a function sum that sums the values of x and y once both of them are loaded.

There is something very important here — in that snippet, we treated x and y as future values, and we expressed an operation sum(…) that (from the outside) did not care whether x or y or both were or weren’t available right away.

Of course, this rough callbacks-based approach leaves much to be desired. It’s just a first tiny step towards understanding the benefits of reasoning about future values without worrying about the time aspect of when they will be available.

Promise Value

Let’s just briefly glimpse at how we can express the x + y example with Promises:

There are two layers of Promises in this snippet.

fetchX() and fetchY() are called directly, and the values they return (promises!) are passed to sum(...). The underlying values these promises represent may be ready now or later, but each promise normalizes its behavior to be the same regardless. We reason about x and y values in a time-independent way. They are future values, period.

The second layer is the promise that sum(...) creates
(via Promise.all([ ... ])) and returns, which we wait on by calling then(...). When the sum(...)operation completes, our sum future value is ready and we can print it out. We hide the logic for waiting on the x and y future values inside of sum(...) .

Note: Inside sum(…), the Promise.all([ … ]) call creates a promise (which is waiting on promiseX and promiseY to resolve). The chained call to .then(...) creates another promise, which the return
values[0] + values[1] line immediately resolves (with the result of the addition). Thus, the then(...) call we chain off the end of the sum(...) call — at the end of the snippet — is actually operating on that second promise returned, rather than the first one created by Promise.all([ ... ]). Also, although we are not chaining off the end of that second then(...), it too has created another promise, had we chosen to observe/use it. This Promise chaining stuff will be explained in much greater detail later in this chapter.

With Promises, the then(...) call can actually take two functions, the first for fulfillment (as shown earlier), and the second for rejection:

If something went wrong when getting x or y, or something somehow failed during the addition, the promise that sum(...) returns would be rejected, and the second callback error handler passed to then(...) would receive the rejection value from the promise.

Because Promises encapsulate the time-dependent state — waiting on the fulfillment or rejection of the underlying value — from the outside, the Promise itself is time-independent, and thus Promises can be composed (combined) in predictable ways regardless of the timing or outcome underneath.

Moreover, once a Promise is resolved, it stays that way forever — it becomes an immutable value at that point — and can then be observed as many times as necessary.

It’s really useful that you can actually chain promises:

Calling delay(2000) creates a promise that will fulfill in 2000ms, and then we return that from the first then(...) fulfillment callback, which causes the second then(...)'s promise to wait on that 2000ms promise.

Note: Because a Promise is externally immutable once resolved, it’s now safe to pass that value around to any party, knowing that it cannot be modified accidentally or maliciously. This is especially true in relation to multiple parties observing the resolution of a Promise. It’s not possible for one party to affect another party’s ability to observe Promise resolution. Immutability may sound like an academic topic, but it’s actually one of the most fundamental and important aspects of Promise design, and shouldn’t be casually passed over.

To Promise or not to Promise?

An important detail about Promises is knowing for sure if some value is an actual Promise or not. In other words, is it a value that will behave like a Promise?

We know that Promises are constructed by the new Promise(…) syntax, and you might think that p instanceof Promise would be a sufficient check. Well, not quite.

Mainly because you can receive a Promise value from another browser window (e.g. iframe), which would have its own Promise, different from the one in the current window or frame, and that check would fail to identify the Promise instance.

Moreover, a library or framework may choose to vend its own Promises and not use the native ES6 Promise implementation to do so. In fact, you may very well be using Promises with libraries in older browsers that have no Promise at all.

Swallowing exceptions

If at any point in the creation of a Promise, or in the observation of its resolution, a JavaScript exception error occurs, such as a TypeError or ReferenceError, that exception will be caught, and it will force the Promise in question to become rejected.

But what happens if a Promise is fulfilled yet there was a JS exception error during the observation (in a then(…) registered callback)? Even though it won’t be lost, you may find the way they’re handled a bit surprising. Until you dig a little deeper:

It looks like the exception from really did get swallowed. It wasn’t, though. There was something deeper that went wrong, however, which we failed to listen for. The p.then(…) call itself returns another promise, and it’s that promise that will be rejected with the TypeError exception.

Handling uncaught exceptions

There are other approaches which many would say are better.

A common suggestion is that Promises should have a done(…) added to them, which essentially marks the Promise chain as “done.” done(…)doesn’t create and return a Promise, so the callbacks passed to done(..) are obviously not wired up to report problems to a chained Promise that doesn’t exist.

It’s treated as you might usually expect in uncaught error conditions: any exception inside a done(..) rejection handler would be thrown as a global uncaught error (in the developer console, basically):

How JavaScript works: Event loop and the rise of Async programming

 What is the Event Loop?

We’ll start with a somewhat of an odd claim — despite allowing async JavaScript code (like the setTimeout), until ES6, JavaScript itself has actually never had any direct notion of asynchronicity built into it. The JavaScript engine has never done anything more than executing a single chunk of your program at any given moment.

For more details on how JavaScript engines work (Google’s V8 specifically).

So, who tells the JS Engine to execute chunks of your program? In reality, the JS Engine doesn’t run in isolation — it runs inside a hosting environment, which for most developers is the typical web browser or Node.js. Actually, nowadays, JavaScript gets embedded into all kinds of devices, from robots to light bulbs. Every single device represents a different type of hosting environment for the JS Engine.

The common denominator in all environments is a built-in mechanism called the event loop, which handles the execution of multiple chunks of your program over time, each time invoking the JS Engine.

This means that the JS Engine is just an on-demand execution environment for any arbitrary JS code. It’s the surrounding environment that schedules the events (the JS code executions).

So, for example, when your JavaScript program makes an Ajax request to fetch some data from the server, you set up the “response” code in a function (the “callback”), and the JS Engine tells the hosting environment:
“Hey, I’m going to suspend execution for now, but whenever you finish with that network request, and you have some data, please call this function back.”

The browser is then set up to listen for the response from the network, and when it has something to return to you, it will schedule the callback function to be executed by inserting it into the event loop.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Angular component Lifecycle Hooks

Lifecycle Hooks

  1. ngOnChanges()
    • Used in pretty much any component that has an input.
    • Called whenever an input value changes
    • Is called the first time before ngOnInit
  2. ngOnInit()
    • Used to initialize data in a component.
    • Called after input values are set when a component is initialized.
    • Added to every component by default by the Angular CLI.
    • Called only once
  3. ngDoCheck()
    • Called during all change detection runs
      • A run through the view by Angular to update/detect changes
  4. ngAfterContentInit()
    • Called only once after first ngDoCheck()
    • Called after the first run through of initializing content
  5. ngAfterContentChecked()
    • Called after every ngDoCheck()
    • Waits till after ngAfterContentInit() on first run through
  6. ngAfterViewInit()
    • Called after Angular initializes component and child component content.
    • Called only once after view is initialized
  7. ngAfterViewChecked()
    • Called after all the content is initialized and checked. (Component and child components).
    • First call is after ngAfterViewInit()
    • Called after every ngAfterContentChecked() call is completed
  8. ngOnDestroy()
    • Used to clean up any necessary code when a component is removed from the DOM.
      • Fairly often used to unsubscribe from things like services.
    • Called only once just before component is removed from the DOM.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How to apply multiple template bindings on one element in angular

Can't use two template binding on one element in Angular 2 (like *ngIf and *ngFor). 
you need to create ng element over your code (td , li)

<ng-container *ngIf="condition">
    <li *ngFor="let item of items">
